نمایش نتایج جستجو برای
موضوع : مهندسی عمران
اعتبار علمی: ISI
زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
موارد یافت شده: 168
1 - Numerical Analysis of Seepage of Concrete-Coated Water Transmission Channels Considering Saturated-Unsaturated Conditions (چکیده)2 - New Sensitivity-based Methods for Structural damage Diagnosis by Least Square Minimal Residual Techniques (چکیده)
3 - In situ rheological characterisation of wastewater sludge: Comparison of stirred bioreactor and pipe flow configurations (چکیده)
4 - Stress Analysis of Free-Edge Laminated Composite Plates by Two Bending Elements (چکیده)
5 - A comparison between two and three dimensional seepage analysis results in earth dams using SEEP/W and SEEP/3D (Case study: Shian and Khaan-Abad Dams) (چکیده)
6 - A new two-dimensional cracked finite element for fracture mechanics (چکیده)
7 - A Numerical Method to Material and Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Cable Structures (چکیده)
8 - Seismic Analysis of the Soil-Structure Interaction for a High Rise Building Adjacent to Deep Excavation (چکیده)
9 - Buckling analysis of semi-rigid gabled frames (چکیده)
10 - A micromechanical study on the stress rotation in granular materials due to fabric evolution (چکیده)
11 - Presentation of Empirical Equations for Estimating Internal Friction Angle of GW and GC Soils in Mashhad, Iran Using Standard Penetration and Direct Shear Tests and Comparison with Previous Equations (چکیده)
12 - Improving the Performance of Water Balance Equation Using Fuzzy Logic Approach (چکیده)
13 - Explicit Formulation of Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations on Rock Masses Using Artificial Neural Networks: Application and Supplementary Studies (چکیده)
14 - Feasibility of solar thermal collectors usage in dwelling apartments in Mashhad, the second megacity of Iran (چکیده)
15 - Exponential-based integration for Bigonie-Piccolroaz plasticity model (چکیده)
16 - Two higher order hybrid-Trefftz elements for thin plate bending analysis (چکیده)
17 - Angles based integration for generalized non-linear plasticity model (چکیده)
18 - Stability boundaries of two-parameter non-linear elastic structures (چکیده)
19 - Fictitious Time Step for the Kinetic Dynamic Relaxation Method (چکیده)
20 - Free vibration analysis of a double-beam system joined by a mass-spring device (چکیده)
21 - Damage identification of 2D and 3D trusses by using complete and incomplete noisy measurements (چکیده)
22 - Crack detection in concrete gravity dams by using new cracked element and genetic algorithm (چکیده)
23 - An efficient formulation for linear and geometric non- linear membrane elements (چکیده)
24 - Dynamic Analysis of a Layered Cylinder Reinforced by Functionally Graded Carbon Nanotubes Distributions Subjected to Shock Loading using MLPG Method (چکیده)
25 - A meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method for nonlinear dynamic analyses of hyper-elastic FG thick hollow cylinder with Rayleigh damping (چکیده)
26 - An evolutionary computational approach for formulation of compression index of fine-grained Soils (چکیده)
27 - Geometrically nonlinear elastodynamic analysis of hyper-elastic neo-Hooken FG cylinder subjected to shock loading using MLPG method (چکیده)
28 - Flexural ductility of reinforced concrete beams with lap-spliced bars (چکیده)
29 - Seismic control response of structures using an ATMD with fuzzy logic controller and PSO method (چکیده)
30 - A comparative numerical study of a geosynthetic-reinforced soil wall using three different constitutive soil models (چکیده)
31 - A modification to dense sand dynamic simulation capability of Pastor–Zienkiewicz–Chan model (چکیده)
32 - Computational plasticity of mixed hardening pressure-dependency constitutive equations (چکیده)
33 - Comprehensive evaluation of structural geometrical nonlinear solution techniques Part I: Formulation and characteristics of the methods (چکیده)
34 - Static Damage Identification of 3D and 2D Frames (چکیده)
35 - Optimal Node Location in Triangular Plate Bending Elements (چکیده)
36 - Hybrid Stress and Analytical Functions for Analysis of Thin Plates Bending (چکیده)
37 - Two new hybrid methods in integrating constitutive equations (چکیده)
38 - Integrating the Pressure-Sensitive Nonassociative Plasticity by Exponential-Based Methods (چکیده)
39 - Comprehensive evaluation of structural geometrical nonlinear solution techniques Part II: Comparing efficiencies of the methods (چکیده)
40 - Experimental study of asphaltic concrete dynamic properties as an impervious core in embankment dams (چکیده)
41 - Discussion of “Clear-Water Local Scour around Pile Groups in Shallow-Water Flow” (چکیده)
42 - Collocation Discrete Least Square (CDLS) Method for Elasticity Problems (چکیده)
43 - Introducing a risk estimation index for drivers: A case of Iran (چکیده)
44 - Prediction of ultimate axial load-carrying capacity of piles using a support vector machine based on CPT data (چکیده)
45 - progressive collapse analysis of steel frames: simplified procedure and explicit expression for dynamic increase factor (چکیده)
46 - Elastic wave propagation in a functionally graded nanocomposite reinforced by carbon nanotubes employing meshless Local Integral Equations (LIEs) (چکیده)
47 - Nonlinear modeling of soil deformation modulus through LGP-based interpretation of pressuremeter test results (چکیده)
48 - Formulation of Secant and Reloading Soil Deformation Moduli using Multi Expression Programming (چکیده)
49 - Properties and Performance of Concrete Made with Recycled Low-Quality Crushed Brick (چکیده)
50 - Stress–force–fabric relationship for planar granular materials (چکیده)
51 - Two dimensional stress wave propagation in finite length FG cylinders with two directional nonlinear grading patterns using MLPG method (چکیده)
52 - Four New Methods for Finding Structural Critical Points (چکیده)
53 - A bending element for isotropic, multilayered and piezoelectric plates (چکیده)
54 - Identification and Prioritization of Hazardous Road Location by Segmentation and Data Envelopment Analysis Approach (چکیده)
55 - Investigating the effect of bond slip on the seismic response of RC structures (چکیده)
56 - Nonlinear Analysis of Cable Structures under General Loadings (چکیده)
57 - Bond Strength of Lap-Spliced GFRP Bars in Concrete Beams (چکیده)
58 - Collocation Discrete Least Squares (CDLS) Method for Elasticity Problems and Grid Irregularity Effect Assessment (چکیده)
59 - Structural topology optimization using ant colony methodology (چکیده)
60 - Simultaneous shape and topology optimization of shell structures (چکیده)
61 - Active Control of Structures and Reliability Analysis by Subset Simulation Method (چکیده)
62 - Leakage Detection in Water Distribution Network Based on a New Heuristic Genetic Algorithm Model (چکیده)
63 - An effective membrane element based on analytical solution (چکیده)
64 - Two efficient hybrid-Trefftz elements for plate bending analysis (چکیده)
65 - stability and accuracy of non-linear dynamic analysis using time integration algorithms (چکیده)
66 - Hybrid Trefftz Formulation for Thin Plate Analysis (چکیده)
67 - Formulating an effective generalized four-sided element (چکیده)
68 - Efficiency of dynamic relaxation methods in nonlinear analysis of truss and frame structures (چکیده)
69 - Accurate and approximate integrations of DruckerePrager plasticity with linear isotropic and kinematic hardening (چکیده)
70 - A hybrid fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approach for desalination process selection (چکیده)
71 - Supercritical flow profile improvement by means of a convex corner at a bend inlet (چکیده)
72 - Effective Moment of Inertia Prediction of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams Based on Experimental Results (چکیده)
73 - Study on Role of the Applied Load and Height of the Structure on the Performance Level of the Dual Steel Moment Frame with the Coaxial Steel Bracing (چکیده)
74 - Study on the Seismic Performance of the Buckling- Restrained Braced Frames (چکیده)
75 - Interfacial Stresses in RC Beams Stregthened by Externally Bonded FRP/Steel Plates with Effects of Shear Deformations (چکیده)
76 - A new higher-order triangular plate bending element for the analysis of laminated composite and sandwich plates (چکیده)
77 - Delamination detection in laminated composite beams using hybrid elements (چکیده)
78 - Multi-Objective Resource Allocation Problem with Simulated Annealing Algorithm (چکیده)
79 - Comparing the behavior of reinforced HSC beams with AFRP bars and confined HSC beams with AFRP sheets under bending (چکیده)
80 - Multi-Projects Scheduling with Resource Constraints and Priority Rules and Fuzzy Activities (چکیده)
81 - Discrete element modeling of inherently anisotropic granular assemblies with polygonal particles (چکیده)
82 - Investigating the micromechanical evolutions within inherently anisotropic granular materials using discrete element method (چکیده)
83 - Evaluation of turbulence models in the simulation of oblique standing shock waves in supercritical channel flows (چکیده)
84 - A New Approach for Modeling Spatio-Temporal Events in an Earthquake Rescue Scenario (چکیده)
85 - Evaluation of Spatial Parallel Genetic Algorithms for Real Time Routing in Geographic Information System (چکیده)
86 - Predicting air pollution using fuzzy genetic linear membership Kriging in GIS (چکیده)
87 - Uncertain spatial reasoning of environmental risks in GIS using genetic learning algorithms (چکیده)
88 - Methodology for Identifying the Best Equations for Estimating the Time of Concentration of Watersheds in a Particular Region (چکیده)
89 - Effectiveness of fuzzy controller on damage index of nonlinear benchmark buildings (چکیده)
90 - Hydraulic performance analysis of sewer systems with uncertain parameters (چکیده)
91 - Energy and momentum in one dimensional open channel flow (چکیده)
92 - On the performance of a salt gradient solar pond (چکیده)
94 - Coupling Numerical and Physical Modeling for Analysis of Flow in a Diversion Structure with Coanda-effect Screens (چکیده)
95 - Dam-reservoir-foundation interaction effects on the modal characteristic of concrete gravity dams (چکیده)
96 - Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Trusses by Virtual Loads (چکیده)
97 - On the integration schemes for Drucker–Prager’s elastoplastic models based on exponential maps (چکیده)
98 - Automatic DR Structural Analysis of Snap-Through nd Snap-Back Using Optimized Load Increments (چکیده)
100 - The dynamic relaxation method using new formulation for fictitious mass and damping (چکیده)
101 - Application of Exponential-Based Methods in Integrating the Constitutive Equations with Multicomponent Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening (چکیده)
102 - A mixed and multi-step higher-order implicit time integration family (چکیده)
103 - A simplified two-phase macroscopic model for reinforced soils (چکیده)
104 - Development and Validation of a Two-Phase Model for Reinforced Soil by Considering Nonlinear Behavior of Matrix (چکیده)
105 - Experimental study of sediment flow discharge in new system of bottom intakes with porous media (چکیده)
106 - Discharge Estimation in a Tidal River with Partially Reverse Flow (چکیده)
107 - Environmental Effects on Mechanical Properties of Wet Lay-Up Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (چکیده)
108 - An Efficient Procedure to Find Shape Functions and stiffness Matrices of Nonprismatic Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko Beam Elements (چکیده)
109 - Reliability of stress field in Al–Al2O3 functionally graded thick hollow cylinder subjected to sudden unloading, considering uncertain mechanical properties (چکیده)
110 - Improving Mechanical Properties of High Strength Concrete by Magnetic Water Technology (چکیده)
111 - nonlinear dynamic analysis by dynamic relaxtion method (چکیده)
112 - Nonlinear FE Analysis of Reinforced ConcreteStructures Using a Tresca-Type Yield Surface (چکیده)
113 - Experimental Investigations Water Surface Characteristics in Strongly-Curved Open Channels (چکیده)
114 - Heat transfer enhancement by application of nano-powder (چکیده)
115 - Two-dimensional sensitivity analysis (چکیده)
116 - Three-dimensional sensitivity analysis using a factoring technique (چکیده)
117 - Plastic cyclic analysis using linear yield surface (چکیده)
118 - A family of 13-node plate bending triangular elements (چکیده)
119 - On the calibration of the Chaboche hardening model and a modified hardening rule for uniaxial ratcheting prediction (چکیده)
120 - Direct Adaptive Neurocontrol of Structures under Earth Vibration (چکیده)
121 - Application of Spreadsheets in Developing Flexible Multiple-Reach and Multiple-Branch Methods of Muskingum Flood Routing (چکیده)
122 - Semi-active control of structures using neuro-predictive algorithm for MR dampers (چکیده)
123 - Semi-active control of structures using a neuro-inverse model of MR dampers (چکیده)
124 - Repair of Damaged Steel-Concrete Composite Girders Using Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Sheets (چکیده)
125 - Galvanic Corrossion of Carbon And Steel in Aggressive Environments (چکیده)
126 - Fatigue Strength of Steel Girders Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Patch (چکیده)
127 - Strengthening of Steel-Concrete Composite Girders Using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers Sheets (چکیده)
128 - Prediction of pile settlement using artificial neural networks based on standard penetration test data (چکیده)
129 - Corrosion Effects on Tension Stiffening Behavior of Reinforced Concrete (چکیده)
130 - Stochastic dynamic analysis of a functionally graded thick hollow cylinder with uncertain material properties subjected to shock loading (چکیده)
131 - Discharge Estimation by the Aid of Isovel Contours in a Tidal River with Partially Reverse Flow (چکیده)
132 - New method for determination of depth-averaged velocity for estimation of longitudinal despersion in natural rivers (چکیده)
133 - punching shear strength of interior slab-column connnections strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced polymer sheets (چکیده)
134 - River bed deformation calculated from boundary shear stress (چکیده)
135 - Studies on damage and FRP strengthening of reinforced concrete beams by vibration monitoring (چکیده)
136 - Numerical time integrationfor dynamic analysis using a newhigher order predictor-corrector method (چکیده)
137 - Nonlinear dynamic analysis by Dynamic Relaxation method (چکیده)
138 - Implicit Higher-Order Accuracy Method for Numerica Integration in Dynamic Analysisl (چکیده)
139 - Dynamic analysis of two-dimensional functionally graded thick hollow cylinder with finite length under impact loading (چکیده)
140 - Heat conduction and heat wave propagation in functionally graded thick hollow cylinder base on coupled thermoelasticity without energy dissipation (چکیده)
141 - Buckling of Slender Web Plates Subjected to Combinations of In-Plane Loading (چکیده)
142 - Punching shear strength of reinforced concrete slabs strengthened with glass fiber-reinforced polymer laminates. Paper by Cheng-Chin Chen and Chung-Yan Li, Discussion (چکیده)
143 - Top bar effect of steel bars in self-consolidating concrete-SCC (چکیده)
144 - Flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened by CFRP sheets (چکیده)
145 - Bond strength of glass fiber reinforced polymer reinforcing bars in normal and self-consolidation concrete (چکیده)
146 - Development/splice length of reinforcing bars (چکیده)
147 - Effect of cyclic loading on punching shear strength of slabs strengthened with CFRP sheets (چکیده)
148 - Water Quality Improvement through Bioretention Media: Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal (چکیده)
149 - Safety and cost-effectiveness of clear zones on Iran (چکیده)
150 - Accurate integration scheme for von-Mises plasticity with mixed-hardening based on exponential maps (چکیده)
151 - The effect of entrance geometry on discharge coefficient in culverts (چکیده)
154 - Heat extraction from a salinity-gradient solar pond using in pond heat exchanger (چکیده)
155 - Computation of multiple bifurcation point (چکیده)
156 - Prediction of stage-discharge curves in open-channels using a fixed-point velocity measurement (چکیده)
157 - Thermal behavior of a small salinity-gradient solar pond with wall shading effect (چکیده)
158 - Design Procedures for Combined Shear and Patch Loading of Plate Girders (چکیده)
159 - Combined Shear-and-Patch Loading of Plate Girders (چکیده)
160 - Ultimater Resistance of Slender Web Panels to Combined Bending Shear and Patch Loading (چکیده)
161 - Behaviour of Plate Girders Subjected to Combined Bending and Shear Loading (چکیده)
163 - Equations for discharge calculation in compound channels having homogeneous roughness (چکیده)
164 - Soft computing-based nonlinear fusion algorithms for describing non-Darcy flow in porous media (چکیده)
165 - Streamwise velocity distribution in irregular shaped channels having composite bed roughness (چکیده)
166 - A simple model for estimation of dimensionless isovel contours in open channels (چکیده)
167 - Application of the single point measurement in discharge estimation (چکیده)
168 - New method for estimation of discharge (چکیده)